Why hello there.
I'm just a dweeb who thought it would be fun to learn some HTML. I'm not an especially interesting person to be totally honest. You came all this way though. It would be rude to stand you up.

I fancy myself a bit of an artist, or at least I was. I used to draw all the time, make music, even tried my hand at game development. Sad to say I haven't been consistently making much of anything over the past few years. That is... except for this impressive Neocities site I suppose. Seriously though, I'm quite proud of the work I've done here. It's nothing flashy, sure, but I've learned a lot making it.
Here's some rapid fire facts about me. I like anime, Serial Experiments: Lain is my favorite obviously. I'm ass at programming, but I try. I spend way too much time on the internet. I have ADHD. I listen to JPEGMafia. I'm a fan of experimental music in general. I have watched the 1995 film Ghost in the Shell more times than I can count. I collect VHS tapes (some are bootlegs). I'm nonbinary (they/them). I frequented 4chan for over a decade and it has done irreversable damage to my mind. I think Elijah Wood is the ideal man. I'm 30.
That's enough fun facts for now. I'll probably completely change this page once I have a better use for this site than learning HTML. Thanks for visiting.